Online live chat with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

and Dateline video journalist Mark Davis



Dateline Producer:

Hello and thank you for joining Dateline’s live online chat.


Journalist Mark Davis will be online for an hour to answer your questions about his profile of secretive Australian WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


Please keep your questions short and specific and write anything longer on the comments page for Mark’s story at The chat is moderated, so please be patient and unfortunately we can’t publish all your questions.


Mark will be here shortly, so start typing in your questions.


[Comment From Dave]

Thank you for profiling Wikileaks. How did you personally find Julian. A conspiracy theorist or showing truth?


Mark Davis:



[Comment From webguru]

How is WikiLeaks going to get around the proposed Internet filter once it's introduced? Will they publish suggestions for us how to circumvent the filter too :-)


Mark Davis:

Hopefullu Julian will join us.... if your out there J


Mark Davis:

So I cant slag him off to much


Mark Davis:



[Comment From Peter grout]

are Australians going to allow the 'authorities' probably US interests to restrict julian's freedoms?


[Comment From Jacqui]

Did Julian make any comments about which developed country he believes has the weakest whistleblower laws?


Mark Davis:

So... to dave. No question he is showing the truth... and proabbaly has some good conspricay theories as well


Mark Davis:

webguru.... I imagine wl will be at the forefront of telling us how to get around the filters


Mark Davis:

Peter.... will have to wait a few days I imagine to see what his status in Australia is. I imagine the dept will be mulling on what to do with him right now. Would be foolish to move against him. But it cant be discounted


Julian Assange (Oslo):

This is Julian Assange. I am also here with Mark.


Dateline Producer:

Julian Assange has now joined the chat, so please put your questions to him too.


Mark Davis:

HI Julian


[Comment From known unknowns]

Apart from your webpage. How can I get in contact with you, or members of your loose association you represent?


[Comment From irene]

Dear Mark, could you please elaborate if you can on what is happening to Julian Annage's passport?


[Comment From Anonymous]

What inspires you to take the risk?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Heya. Nice show, though I look tired as hell.


Mark Davis:

Ask the man...


Julian Assange (Oslo):

You can write to


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Or if it needs security, via our submissions system.


Julian Assange (Oslo):



Mark Davis:

Was it a faithful portrayal?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

There is no meaningful risk. We are scared of dark rooms, but when the light is on, and we see clearly, we can see that there's nothing in the room.


[Comment From Ken]

Julian: Do you have any plans to return to past work and assist in development and promotion of software work-arounds to bypass restrictive internet regulators, such as the Australian Government?


[Comment From Guest]

Julian. Are you in Oslo? the story implied that you were caught in Australia


Julian Assange (Oslo):

So managing risk is all about understanding, turning the light on, and not being a total idiot, but thinking things through accurately, and not being scared to do that.


[Comment From boom]

Is it worrying that Australia is at the forefront of censorship and suppresion of information when the current 'non-conservative' party is in power?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Ken: We're better off being involved in decoding more ACMA lists and working the media / politics.


[Comment From Tina]

So how does Wikleaks get their "leads" ? Do they do their own investigative journalism , or do they depend on mainstream 'leaks' ?


[Comment From Steve]

Firstly, a thanks for the wonderful work that WikiLeaks does. I’m wondering when the site will be back up and running with all of the previously released documents? Those documents were taken down for the funding drive but they don’t seem to have made it back.


Mark Davis:

"Oslo" was just a code I asked Julian to use so we could assure it was him...


[Comment From Tracey]

Say the goverment does implement this ban, what if you then try to access these sites. Do you then end up on another secret list? This is not the way a democary is supposed to be run is it?!


[Comment From brian factor]

Julian I'm a supporter in principal but wonder if there could be any legitimate leaks that WL would decline to publish on account of the potential outcomes you think it may cause?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

boom: It is deeply concerning. And it isn't just us, other countries are using Australia as justification to introduce punitive measures. How can we say China is wrong to have a national censorship system, the "great firewall of china", for what they say is reasons of "national security" when we say having one for mere porn is justified.


[Comment From Simon Millar]

Have there been any consequences for Wikileaks or for the Pentagon of your release of that amazing footage of that helicopter committing a massacre of unarmed civilians and then shooting their rescuers?


[Comment From martin spencer]

Julian: do you expect that you will be able to leave Australia?


[Comment From michael the painter]

thankyou for doing the right thing julian, as a regular on talkback radio in both canberra and sydney commenting on the corrupt actions of our governments it is from sources like yours that the ammunition is supplied


[Comment From John]

Julian did your treatment by DFAT on arrivial in Australia recently surprise you? Would have you envisaged Australia going down the line of a web filter before you moved to iceland?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Brain: None yet, and we have a 3.5 year publishing record. Someday this may happen, and we will act with thoughtfulness.


[Comment From trudy carroll]

which is the most treacherous country to live in?


[Comment From Pedro]

other than nasty stuff such as paedophilia, what other sorts of sites are being blacklisted ?


[Comment From Gillian Sneddon]

I am considered a Whistleblower, part of my story is on WikiLeaks, I would like a lot more information to get out, how do I do it? The media in NSW won't print it.


[Comment From chris]

what country would you recommend moving to so I can escape the likes of Conroy?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Consequences from the Collateral Murder tape so far: concretely, compensation to the children, meetings between the Pentagon and Reuters. But the subtle effects must be many, since we know a lot of people are emotionally effected, but they are hard to measure.


[Comment From Guest]

fantastic story tonight dateline, julian is a true truth warrior


[Comment From Ycros]

So I note that wikileaks is down temporarily (due to funding issues? - see the front page) - did Julian give any indication as to when it'd be coming back up?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Trudy: Depends on your metric.. difficult for journalists is not necessarily difficult for the average person.


[Comment From Cam]

Great Job you do. May I ask how WIkiLeaks is funded?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Ycros: we're involved in a lot of re-engineering to try and deal with our growth. We have received vastly more material than we can get through.


[Comment From MrAnderson]

Julian --- Is there a possibility that from the exposure of Wikileaks the Government and Military will intentionally leak disinformation?


[Comment From anthony]

how do we make donations to your cause/


[Comment From Simon]

Julian, thank you for your important work. What do you think is the main criticism levelled at you and Wikileaks?


[Comment From George]

Julian, How can your organsation operate when I will not be able to see your web site. How can donations be made form those countries that need your support the most?


[Comment From Chris]

Hi Julian, have any media organisations around the world ever asked Wikileaks to 'uncover' a story for them (either paid or unpaid)?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Cam: Intially I and others directly involved funded everything. Since January we've been asking the world to step up to the plate, since we don't have the resources to be as popular as we are.


[Comment From D]

Mark or Julian, what do you thinking is the underlying logic behind moves to regulate internet in Australia? I'm of the opinion that there's an element of misunderstanding about censorship and its effect on managing these boogey issues that its usually held up as protecting against.. what are the prospects of reasonable public debate about internet censorship here?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Chris: Yes, we often receive materials from censored journalists.


[Comment From b1]

Fully support what you're doing Julian. Qu: Do you think Wikileak's "raw data" model is the future of news? I would much prefer to view raw news and an expert discussion than the filtered news model we get currently.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

D: I am optimistic that if people keep fighting the good fight we will not have a meaningful national censorship system. We can see that is at threshold and could go either way.


[Comment From jjh]

How dependent is wikileaks on your involvement - would it continue on if you left for whatever reason [from the sinister to just the need for a holiday]?


[Comment From Bill]

Julian, would you travel and speak in the US? how do you make a living for yourself funding all that travel hotel and speaking engagements?


[Comment From curi]

will i be on someones 'black list' if i send your organisation money?


[Comment From Chapman]

I have noted from some comments that WIki Leaks appears to be down, however I am able to see it from Tasmania... for those that are interested


[Comment From anon7388]

care to elaborate on this tweet, julian: "We now have 50,078 followers. That's good, because in the coming weeks, we will face our greatest challenge."?


[Comment From Hayley]

Mark, well done on a brilliant interview..... Julian, heading to Haiti to work over my hols - one of many trips to various needy countries. It's always a worry trying to oblige but not necessarily want to adhere to. How do we move around, keep our values, and keep out of trouble?


Mark Davis:

One of the interesting comments in our interview that I had to cut out for time was a little bit of a plug for John Howard. The Howard filtering system was at least voluntary. Parents could download it.


[Comment From Ken]

Julian: Are you at all concerned about the 'encryption' Senator Conroy and ACMA propose to use for the transmission of their lists to filter manufacturers and ISPs? Is it likely to be a significant barrier in opening the lists to public scrutiny?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

b1: This is a value we are trying to make a new journalistic standard. "Scientific journalism" where all primary source materials are made available, so people can check the analysis is correct and cover other angles. Profit motives work aganist it, but if we can have the audience understand that most other forms of journalism are not credible, then it may be a forced move.


[Comment From NaviRen]

good thing now (and for the last 3 years) is that you store a lot of content that "people" are fearful of. Do you release all content onto the public domain? Or do you also perhaps have content that may perhaps be insurance for days like when you cant leave Australia?


[Comment From Steve]

Are china and other governements, maybe Australia, using internet spy progams to gather information on its own populations? Can a hacker get into my home computer easily and change my privacy and access settings. Are they doing this to their citizens at present?


[Comment From irene]

Julian, Great job. how do you guys decide information coming to you is credible. What is the vetting process?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Yes. The Howard system was a big improvement. This was the small l liberalism in the Liberal party.


[Comment From Jessie]

Julian, is Australia at risk of becoming like China with its draconian censorship laws? Is Wiki-Leaks the way of the future?


[Comment From Pedro]

does WikiLeaks cater to animal rights acivists wishing to expose footage of secret animal cruelty ?


[Comment From Chris]

Thanks Julian, I actually meant if a progressive media organisation has ever asked to use your services?


[Comment From Daniel]

Julian or Mark, any rumours out there why the government seems to still be full steam ahead with this ludicrous censorship policy when clearly the vast majority are against it? Is it independent votes in exchange for other polcy or still the same old election promise (which is not the case)?


[Comment From Shaun]

Did not know until tonight that wikileaks was on the blacklist. Even more motivated to stop Conroy/ Labor now


[Comment From ryan]

Hi Julian, when do you expect the Iceland parliment to pass the "haven" bill?


[Comment From Ben]

Julian: Are there any other websites or organisations that are similar in yours to uncovering the truth?


[Comment From anonymous]

How can I stand up to the government's internet filter? Nobody wants it or thinks it will work - how can it keep being allowed to go thru?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Jessie: Australian democracy is sleeping with a loaded gun if it has a centralized, automated, mandatory national censorship system. All media is moving onto the internet and all communications between political parties and their supporters, between activist organizations and their supporters. We can not permit a government censor between every newspaper and its reader.


[Comment From Chapman]

What are 'reasonable precautions' when publishing 'any' information?


[Comment From Mark]

Julian, can you please elaborate on the notion of 'scientific journalism'


[Comment From tony]

is fair for governments to censor certain website for nation security or is this a veil


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Ben: There are some, but none as dedicated. is a bit idosyncratic bit often has good material.


[Comment From JB]

Hi Julian, How can we as citizens best make our voices heard on this? (I know we have our vote and we can donate but surely we can do more


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Tony: There are sometimes forced moved in times of real war, however, so far, we have only seen pretext for cover-ups.


[Comment From Gerard]

Julian, Is the 'RC ' rating to be applied to other naughty sites like WikiLeaks just as punishment rather than because of their content? What then on the criteria for exclusion (i.e. getting on the blacklist-then staying on it thereafter)


[Comment From Simon Millar]

So are you speaking at any public events while you are in Australia? would you be interested in being involved in meetings or rallies in opposition to internet censorship?


[Comment From Oliver]

Do u think i can be made a punishable offence to even try to circumvent the censorship filter?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

JB: Yes, you can encourage everyone to find documents and leak them! You can also volutneer to help us with organizational logistics.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Oliver: That is a natural evolution should circumvention mechisims take off.


[Comment From Joanna]

What other resources could help Wikileaks?


[Comment From helena]

Thank you Julian for your work, if Australians don't wake up I feel we will be living in a new form of 'old' governing not unlike fascism or communism. When people realise it will be too late.


[Comment From Hayley]

Julian....???? Is life on the road, as exciting as one might think - Bond with a laptop! Who'd have thought!!?? :)


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Simon: Yes, I would be interested in speaking more on this. I feel the Australian speakers so far, while doing a lot of great work, have lacked an international context.


[Comment From Bill]

what sort of organizational logistics can we help with?


[Comment From TDog]

what other web resources are available


[Comment From Shelly]

Do you run any training on HOW to find hidden documents?


[Comment From Suheil]

If WikiLeaks gets and annon document..and seems credible,, what are the assurances that the document/info is authentic? What is your equivalence of 'the journalistic standards' you follow?


[Comment From Guest]

I'm in Melbourne and just googled Wikileaks and found it's up and running


[Comment From Ben]

Thanks, does WikiLeaks encourage others to uncover classified documents?


[Comment From Rachel]

Just how much material/websites could be censored in Australia, given the filter focuses on concepts as broad as terrorism, violence, drug use, euthanasia and suicide, let alone some extreme forms of pornography. This filter scope is huge!


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Hayley: Sometimes exciting, most times it's organizational and travel logistics and keeping staff from getting into fights...


[Comment From Ycros]

There have recently been concerns about how centralised Wikipedia is (recent censoring/deletion of images), and there have been suggestions from some that it should move to a more decentralised model (usenet-style). Would this we a feasible option for Wikileaks as well? To bring down costs, as well as increase robustness.


[Comment From Guest]

The proposed internet filter is going to cost squilions to implement. Do you think there are those in govenment who stand to profit directly or indirectly?


[Comment From annie]

Mark do you think any governments will want to speak to you after this interview? Julian have you thought of going into politics?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Rachel: Yes, the scope is huge. However we have no idea what goes on until the blacklist is leaked. There is no accountability mechanism. Justince must be seen to be done and not done in the dark by bureaucrats.


[Comment From L]

How do you verify the authenticity of the leaked information or documents?


[Comment From ty]

Is it possible that documents that wikileaks could receive in the future could be fakes or could be planted by for instance seedy government agencies trying to cause trouble for other governments or organisations


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Annie: I have thought of going into politics, but I find that most politics is responsive to what people know and demand. i.e it is the media that controls the boundaries of what is politically permissible, so better to change the media.


[Comment From David]

What is your opinion on the recent U.K ACTA agreement?


[Comment From Jeska]

Hi Julian, we've established that very few people view this censorship as a terrible idea; as a new voter this year it's an issue which weighs heavily on my mind. How can we stop it? The government have made it clear that they're not listening...


[Comment From Sycophant]

Julian - I have read that you are the single point of control - the editor. So the readers place a lot of trust in your decisions. How can we be assured of the veracity of the explosive documents that are leaked?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

David: We first leaked ACTA drawing attention to it. It is a powergrab out of Hollywood to promote the interests of the copyright industries. A big problem for generic medicines also.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Jeska: Simple, promote/donate to us and the EFA, talk about the issue. Encourage people to constantly leak the list.


[Comment From 1984]

Julian, just interested to know, was the collateral murder encrytion broken by you guys or already broken by the source?


[Comment From Reu]

I'm a Liberal Party member and I can tell you that there is growing discontent about the filter, perhaps you might put your hand up for election?


[Comment From Jay]

Is it true that Wikileaks is really run by the CIA? And doesn't this give the CIA easy access to leakers and other insiders?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Sycophant: no one is infalible, but todate, we've never made a slip-up


Julian Assange (Oslo):

1984: by us.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Reu: I'm likely seen as too radical, although with Tony Abbot opposition leader, anything is possible.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Jay: WikiLeaks is not run by the CIA.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Jay: Firstly we're a successful operation. Secondly, we're always begging for money.


[Comment From Uncle Chop]

how do you travel the world with one backpack?


[Comment From irene]

Julian, why did you expose yourself as the face of the wikileaks?


Mark Davis:

Reu... was interesting in Iceland. The centre and hard right in parliament were equally interested in the liberal haven concept....


[Comment From bec]

Hi Julian, has the leaking of documents ever run into issues of privacy, how do you overcome this?


[Comment From JPerry]

Have you ever been offered hush money?


[Comment From ty]

How do you know that documents are not submitted by agencies like the cia ,anonomously


[Comment From sonja]

how can wikileaks really ensure the identity of leakers is fully protected?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Chop: Sometimes two backpacks :) but it is not hard to travel light if you're careful.


[Comment From Rhys]

Julian: Are you on twitter or do you have a personal blog?


[Comment From Trans Parent]

Thank you for your wonderful contribution. Do you think Wiki will ever be silenced? Will it become more influential or is there any realistic fear of being silenced??


[Comment From Mr W]

Are you ever concerned about your personal safety, and threats which might be posed to it by powers who might just as soon see your efforts concluded?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Perry: No russian honeytraps either, frankly I'm disappointed.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Rhys: No personal anythings...


[Comment From boom]

Is it difficult to get sponsor support because you are vilified and feared by governments around the world?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Rhys: But WikiLeaks is on twitter, as


[Comment From jonathan]

will the proposed filter block p2p downloading?


[Comment From Marty]

Do you think there are any ways we can make internet censorship a bigger issue, half the people don't even know about it, and so is isn't having the attention it deserves.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

boom: The public is our core business. Sponsor support is so far non-existant, however we haven't spent time asking for it either.


[Comment From David]

What is your view on intellectual property in an age of effortless mechanical reproduction requiring next to no material resources? Do you think we are truly moving towards a culture of free information?


[Comment From Hayley]

Julian, do you ever see the 'World' as having a 'one' internet accessability, without filters such as Australia is attempting to put in place. I used to think 'Google' was Google, not hindered by the likes of China....


[Comment From Craig]

There are several Facebook pages for you. Are any of them actually you?


[Comment From jan]

did you leave australia because of censership and will you ever live here, and is iceland less censored


[Comment From anthony]

Julian, now that your identify is public. is it going to make it harder for wikileaks to do its business?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Marty: The media deserve a lot of blame. Newspapers, magazines, TV and old-school journalists must be made to understand that as all their content goes online it wall fall under a national, centralized, secret, unaccountable, real-time censorship system.


[Comment From Sycophant]

Julian - How paranoid are you regarding surfing the Internet? Do you use Tor or other onion routing type networks? Do you find your laptop gets scanned in certain locations?


[Comment From chris]

will the new UK government see a reversal of the Nanny statism that New Labour have spread around the world do you think? Has there ever been anything you have been too scared to publish?


[Comment From Lu]

Hey Julian I read on your website that you lack the funds at the moment to release hundreds of documents, how do you decide on which documents get leaked?


[Comment From DodgeCity]

What do you plan to do after WikiLeaks? Maybe run for office?


[Comment From Jay]

If Wikileaks is a genuine non-government organization why doesn't it just anonymously publish leaks on (free) usenet?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Craig: No, but I did avoid returning to Australia for a number of months due to the AFP investigation initiated by Conroy. I was "in exile" in Cambodia. That is what we have become. Secret blacklists forcing journalists who break them to go into self-imposed exile.


[Comment From b1]

Julian, are you optimistic about the internet surviving as a free medium in the future?


[Comment From Clare]

I too have wanderlust, and I also have a concern over our government and their laws, which country could you see yourself living in permanently or at least semi-permanently?


[Comment From Simon]

How are you able to protect Wikileaks from legal demands to itentify the source of leaks? Are all your servers in jurisdictions that make such demands impossible, or?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

DodgeCity: WikiLeaks will take at least another two years to be developed enough as an institution for me to move onto other things.


[Comment From Jess]

Julian, will the proposed censorship by the Australian Government put an end to the citizen journalist?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Simon: We route submissions through protective jurisdictions and also fight such attempts legally and in the public sphere.


[Comment From Mr W]

Any hints on interesting up-coming leaks?


[Comment From Farenheit451]

Julian - have you ever came across any ASIS or ASIO agents trying to track you down, that you know of, besides the AFP and DFAT?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Clare: Many countries have something good going for them. I couldn't spend all my time in any though.


[Comment From Trans Parent]

Haveu received much assistance/interest from Australia's various human rights/civil rights lawyer/associations?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

451: For security reasons we only rarely reveal the details of monitornig attempts we have discovered. To reveal them all, would be counter productive, because it'd show which ones we had missed.


[Comment From boom]

Do you think that because it is on the internet that censorship is less visible and Stephen Conroy and Co. are able to get away with more?


[Comment From R6]

What do you believe will be the worst case scenario if the internet filter goes ahead in oz?


[Comment From JPerry]

Do you think communication technology will surpass censorship as it advances? Censorship takes time, the internet is getting faster? Is it just a matter of speed?


[Comment From cc]

what keeps you going? knowing that your leaks are so radical, but true, in which the world is such a horrid place


[Comment From Gordon]

I know this may sound crazy, but have you ever thought you might be politicaly assasinated? What precautions do you take to avoid this?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

boom: I predict that, like the rest of the world, censorship will become more complex, with unclear barriers about what is censored and what is not. We can see this already with the censoring of internet searches as opposed to just the articles.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

boom: this is dangerous, because then there is a slipperly slope of censorship.


[Comment From Koz]

Hi Julian, Wikileaks has a very international focus. Have you ever considered establishing a framework for local-level corruption to be exposed?


[Comment From Lu]

This may sound strange, but all over the world there is a major push at the moment for government disclosure on UFO related material - have you come across any in your travels?


[Comment From Karen]

Julian do you feel it was all worth it & would you change anything?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Gordon: I had two collegues assassinated in Kenya, last March. However in the West I do not believe it to be in anyone's career interest to attempt such a move.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Koz: Yes. It's just a matter of resources. This is planned but we lack the resources to produce all the local versions.


[Comment From JB]

Julian, Apple are being heavily criticised for censoring it's platforms - is it appropriate for private companies who control mainstream platforms to censor? How can we stop this?


[Comment From Thomas]

Julian, what do you see personally as the goal of Wikileaks, openness and transparency or, something more?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Lu: No bonafide UFO material.


[Comment From Mark]

having been an early subversive hacker, why have you chosen this road over covert disruptions to organisations you oppose


Julian Assange (Oslo):

JB: Centralized distribution by Apple of journalistic content, according to US laws and Apple's profits is obviously a journalistic own-goal. Journalists should stop slavishly promoting the iPad.


[Comment From Gordon]

is on the blacklist as well? Can the Aussie website blacklist still be retrieved; or is it down until you bust the $600K donation mark?


[Comment From bec]

This one's for Mark -- have you ever felt your own reporting was under threat of censorship?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Mark: I've done a lot of other things that were not in the story. But perhaps a simple answer would be that it is more efficient to "hack people's brains". Insider's know where the bodies are and can step over air-gaps for you.


[Comment From Ben]

Hi Julian, Has the Australian government tried to contact Wikileaks in any way, namely regarding the blacklist leaks?


[Comment From JPerry]

Ever received any leaked documents which mention yourself as a person of interest or threat or anything?


[Comment From David]

Do you have any formal qualifications? How have you learnt some of the skills you have?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Ben: No. We were never notified. The only communication is in response to our enquiries.


[Comment From soph]

where do u draw the line on what is media freedom and what is national security?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

David: I'm self taught in these fields. I studied pure maths and physics, formally.


[Comment From Majidi]

What do people in Iceland think about Australia's move for a compulsory web filter. What is the government there saying about such a move?


Mark Davis:

Bec. Yes often but have generally had a tough manager/ep who has pushed through for me


[Comment From Renee]

is there any level of hacking that goes into verification of some of Wikileaks sources?


[Comment From Sam]

Julian - can we still get the AU list?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Soph: We can't be partisans to nation states, so we don't. However, even so, we have never published anything that threatened, in a meaningful sense, a countries national security, because we have never received such material.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Sam: I am not uptodate with how this list is currently used. But if it is being used, then, somehow, it is obtainable. All it requires is the will.


[Comment From Jay]

Would you consider the leaking of secret government economic information acceptable?


[Comment From CW]

Julian is Wikileaks currently holding any information on the recent ISP filtering trial in Aus?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

JPerry: Yes, we have published US intelligence documents on our activities. You can see some of these on the front page, currently.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

CW: I am uncertain. We currently have a 12 gigabyte backlock.


Julian Assange (Oslo):



[Comment From tim tam]

Do you hold any partisan views in relation to politics / philosophy other than the pursuit of truth?


[Comment From Mature Related]

I hear Wikileaks doesn't publish info from a none credible source? if so is this not censorship?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Gordon: It may be on


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Mature: We don't consider sources. We consider the veracity of the material itself.


[Comment From Gunter]

Julian - You have a pursuit of truth. Is not truth the most dangerous form of thinking in the postmodern world we live in?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Tim: No. I believe all political philosophies are currently bankrupt, because we don't know how human institutions work from the inside.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Tim: We can't go around promoting cures with any accuracy until we can see how the "body" works.


Dateline Producer:

Julian and Mark will be online for about another five minutes, so send in your final questions.


[Comment From Lu]

Have you ever been to Cuba? And what are your thoughts of Cuba?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Gunter: I am not sure about dangerous. But it is the most useful, for sure.


[Comment From annie]

are you concerned that we will all want to go up to you and talk to you now that we know your face in the street? Do you realize just how many of us support your quest for freedom and truth in reporting?


[Comment From Matt]

Julian, are you optimistic or pesamistic when you attempt to gage public reation to leaks? Are you ever dismayed at the lack of outrage or silence and apathy displayed by the public over stories leaked?


[Comment From Jess W]

Will WikiLeaks disclose sources of their information if required by law in ANY jurisdiction?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Annie: If only so many people watched SBS that that was a problem ;)


Mark Davis:



Julian Assange (Oslo):

Jess: No, and nor do we keep such information.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Matt: I am frequently outraged at the lack of response to some extremely important material, yes.


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Matt: You may want to google for "wikileaks ecomics" or "the hidden curse of Thomas Paine" to understand more.


[Comment From Nullacritter]

Not a question, just thanks to you and the team for all your work. On that note, Dateline do a great job as well.


[Comment From Lu]

Mark do you have plans to do similar stories? I think it was great to see some real journalism.


[Comment From Prime Suspect]

Keep up the great work! Will Julian be doing any speaking appearance during this visit to Australia?


[Comment From bec]

Julian or Mark, which countries are taking positive steps to promote internet freedoms?


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Prime Suspect: Phillip Adams tomorrow night.


Mark Davis:

Lu..Cant really think of a similar story to Assange. But will do my best


Mark Davis:

Thanks nulla crtiter... and to all


Mark Davis:

and especially to Julain for coming on


Mark Davis:

Reckon will be closing up soon


Julian Assange (Oslo):

Bec: Iceland, and, possibly, the United States. It is not clear exactly what is happening with the US, but a shadow cold war with China seems to be fueling a point of differentiation if Hillary's internet freedoms speech was anything to go by.


[Comment From Guest]

thanks Julian and Mark! =D


[Comment From JB]

Thanks Mark and Julian!


[Comment From ange]

julian thankyou


Julian Assange (Oslo):

No worries. Thanks Mark and SBS for hosting.


Dateline Producer:

Thanks to Julian and Mark, and everyone else for taking part in our online chat.


Apologies if we didn’t get time to publish your comment or answer your question.


If you still want to leave comments on this story, head to our comments page The video of Mark’s report will also be available shortly.


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Julian Assange (Oslo):


16th May 2010

       ELECTIONS 2010